Monday, May 2, 2016

Post-Speech Evaluation #4

Post-Speech Evaluation #4
My group was the Trax Development team pitching our line of shoes specializing in child monitoring for prevention of child abductions to the local shoe company Deckers based here in Goleta
The team: Chris as Chief Technology Officer, Nick as Chief Product Officer, Ling as CEO, and Linda as Community Outreach Coordinator

1.      MORE PRACTICE: This time around, the entire team met together several times to practice, but I want to start practicing more on my own. I did not practice for this outside of the few team meetings and could have hit my marks and points better.

2.      Timing slides/ setting up a timer: I would have really appreciated knowing the time that we had taken up during the presentation. This would help me realize if I should go through a specific section more quickly, or if I have time to elaborate.

3.      Linda was really great at creating a serious tone and conveying emotion during the presentation. I took on the role knowing that I would be giving technical information more positively, but would like to practice getting serious

4.      Similar to above, I am good at being positive and somewhat humorous, but want to effectively convey other emotions and direct a crowd or audience’s emotions through presentation. So start practicing to a mirror or something; perhaps create scenarios to improve public speaking at a funeral, or memorial.

5.      The last thing I really want to start getting down and intend to practice in the future is getting the crowd as physically and mentally involved as I can. This time around our team got to get them thinking about missing children. Also about the affordability of our product. I specifically got them to hold out or look at an iphone as an example of the potential for compact gps technology. I have been improving however, I still remember the elevator pitch guy creating the scene of you at a baseball game sitting on the seat-warmer and want to start moving even more in that direction.


1.      My usual pet-peeves: repeating gestures, though I have improved a lot throughout the course in this regard.

2.      I don’t believe I said umm in this video which is great, but still want to stop repeating words while speaking. Like missing the word I wanted to say, then repeating the sentence. 

3.      We wanted to stress everyone getting equal speaking time, but given the fact that our presentation was running short during practice we all decided to elaborate even more on each of our subjects: I would like then to stop having to go off the cuff to lengthen presentations. I did fairly well and only stumbled on my message very few times – and it hopefully isn’t really noticeable unless you knew what I intended to say – but I ended up speaking a bit longer than the rest of my team as a result and we still only presented for like 13 minutes before questions


1.      PRACTICE! Made all the difference between this speech and the last. My group met together on 3 separate occasions outside of class to practice and plan the presentation.

2.      Vocal Projection: has always been an important point for improvement in my speech and I was able to project my voice and convey authority during the presentation

3.      Body Positioning and Gestures: This presentation was less focused on individuals speaking, so body position during speech was very important to consider. I kept myself engaged as I could and opened my arms up and faced my body to the audience and my group when speaking to remain connected to both parties.

4.      The Prezi: I feel like, with the help of my teammates, the Prezi finally got somewhere really great for the presentation. There were not too many words flooding the pages and distracting the audience. There were helpful images and tables available to guide the audience’s attention. And there were enough titles and subjects written to guide us as presenters through the 12-15 minutes of presenting

5.      Visual Presentation: My group was not as coordinated in clothing as Canyon and Taka’s suit-up, but I am very glad we moved in a similar direction by wearing ties (Nick and I) and vests (Ling and Linda) though Ling couldn’t find a matching one.

6.      Visual Aid: The film was a great addition to our presentation because it 1. Looked professional and like we put a lot of effort into our project and 2. Set the tone and established a background for characterization of our company and our product. Also it was a lot of fun to create and helped the team work together on our project.

My Fave Moves

  • Canyon: understood his audience very well – not the hypothetical one, but the actual classroom – and made use of his previous history as a shoe shine salesman to establish authority for his new character and to establish a humorous presentation.
  • Ben - Did a great job getting into character for his presentation. very entertaining and also set the mood for the rest of his team's acts
  • The Dump Crew - created a very impressive Prezi that guided the audience through the presentation very efficiently  That is the kind of creativity that I try to channel when creating visual media aid for my presentations

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